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Spinach Pesto


5 Servings

Prep Time:

10 Minutes

Cook Time:

10 Minutes

Total Time:

20 Minutes

I love pesto but a lot of pesto recipes are made using lots of olive oil and parmesan cheese. This recipe is a lot healthier but still has all the vibrant flavors traditional pesto does. Add this sauce to some whole wheat pasta and you got yourself a meal!


  • 1 packed cup of basil

  • ½ bunch of fresh spinach

  • ½ cup of toasted sunflower seeds (optional, I’ve made this recipe with and without it and both were tasty)

  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped

  • Juice of ½ a lemon

  • ½ teaspoon of sea salt

  • ½ package extra-firm silken tofu (about 6 ounces), drained

  • ¼ cup of nutritional yeast

  • Pepper to taste

  • Pinch of red pepper flakes (optional)


Add all the ingredients to a food processor and blend until smooth. Cook pasta according to the package (usually 7-9 minutes). Add pesto to cooked pasta and enjoy!

Recipe Origin:

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Meatless Meals, LLC is a nutrition coaching service whose goal is to assist clients in their wellness journey. Emily is a mentor who will motivate, inspire, and help educate on the benefits of a plant-based diet, but is NOT a registered dietician or medical professional. Emily’s interest, passion, and education regarding nutrition comes from her certificate in ‘Plant-Based’ Nutrition from the C. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies (2020), self education, and her experience in being meat free for over 15 years.

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