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Health Parties

Looking for a unique activity to experience with your friends? Do you care about your health and the health of those around you? Host a Meatless Meals party at your home or workplace!

There's a lot of conflicting information out in the world regarding nutrition. I have dedicated a good portion of my life learning about and exploring the meat free lifestyle. I have my Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and am very excited to share with others the bounty of benefits a whole foods plant-based lifestyle provides. Learn about how the right nutrition can prevent and even reverse some of the most deadly diseases in America and what foods are the most nourishing for your body, in the comfort of your own home or workplace. 

Pick a date and let your friends know when to arrive. Once I arrive, the real party begins. I give a 30-45 minutes interactive presentation, followed by a casual discussion/Q&A. If you want nutrient dense, delicious food to be provided, I'll plan to arrive early to your home to prepare. Same applies for corporate parties. 

A health party is a fun and exciting way to inspire those around you to lead healthier and more fulfilled lives. 

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